Is Cubic Zirconia a Good Stone For Jewelry

Is Cubic Zirconia a Good Stone For Jewelry

As everything that glitters is not gold, the same way everything that looks like diamond is not necessarily diamond. This is where Cubic Zirconia enters as a look alike to diamonds. If you are someone that loves to keep up with the trend and you do not want to invest in heirloom pieces, cubic zirconia is a great option for you.

Cubic zirconia, can be a great stone for jewelry if you are looking for something that looks like diamonds, but not as expensive. An amazing fact to note here is that it is available in many colors and not just white. White color of cubic zirconia is bright white and it is a very clear stone. The color rating equivalent to D color rating in diamonds, which is the highest color grade. For someone who is not into jewelry or stones, it is very difficult to tell that it is not diamond as it does have a striking resemblance. However, you need to know that it does not share the same characteristics with diamonds and is not as hard. Additionally, the way you can cut a piece of cubic zirconia is different than how diamonds can be cut. While there are some cuts that work on both diamonds and cubic zirconia, but cubic zirconia, not being hard enough cannot be cut into some of the fine cuts. Having said that, cubic zirconia is considerably very light on the pocket. It can also be compared to other non-precious stones when it comes to the use in jewelry. 

But is it really worth the buzz and attention that it has got from jewelry makers and buyers alike? Well this is what I aim to answer for you, in the pursuit of demystifying cubic zirconia and its properties which make it an able raw material for various types of jewelry pieces.


To understand if cubic Zirconia has any value to be useful as a material to craft jewelry out of, it is important to understand its origins, composition and properties. So let’s kick off with that.

Cubic Zirconia, represented chemically as (CZ) is a synthesized gemstone . Chemically, it is a cubic  crystalline form of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). Zirconium oxide under normal synthesis conditions would form monolithic crystals, which are turned into cubic crystals by the addition of a suitable chemical stabilizer. Two of the most commonly added stabilizers are calcium oxide and yttrium, the composition of which gives various properties such as color and hardness to cubic zirconia.

The mineral Baddeleyite, which was discovered in 1892, is the chemically closest naturally occurring substance to cubic zirconia.

Is Cubic Zirconia Worth Anything ?

Well, not as much. The cost of a cubic zirconia is only about 1-2% the cost of a diamond of about the same size. So if you are spending 25 dollars on your cubic zirconia stone, you will be able to buy a similar sized diamond in about 2000 dollars. So you can infer that cubic zirconia is not worth much. Thus you should not expect a cubic zirconia crystal to hold or increment its market value over time. 

From a strict market value standpoint, there is no dollar value which can be attached to a cubic zirconia. This is largely due to the following factors that cubic zirconia are:

  1. man made, lab created, synthetic gemstones
  2. have an abundant supply and can not really be in scarcity in the market
  3. there is no characteristic rarity int the properties of a cubic zirconia crystal, which separates it from another. 

Do pawn shops buy cubic zirconia?

Most pawn shops that accept jewelry would not accept cubic zirconia unless it is set in a precious metal. Some pawn shops that accept electronics, gaming consoles and speakers etc. accept cubic zirconia. This is because it has use in certain industries like foundry, ceramics, optical and glass. Owing to the fact that cubic zirconia is not rare and can be produced in quite abundance, there isn’t any real dollar value tapped into it. This is why they do not hold any value as a collateral and hence do not expect all pawn shops to buy cubic zirconia.


Is cubic zirconia fake diamonds ​
Image by zombie cygig from Pixabay

So we now know what cubic zirconia really is, how its formed and the fact that there isn’t any real market value woven in it. So why is it that it is still so popular, and such a wide range of jewelry pieces make use of it?

Is cubic zirconia fake diamonds?

No, cubic zirconia are not really fake diamonds, but can be more appropriately be called simulants. Synthetic diamonds are hence ‘fake diamonds’ in true sense. Cubic Zirconia is made from Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2)While diamond is made from Carbon. Therefore, they are fundamentally different materials. Cubic Zirconia are crystals which are synthesized in the lab in the same cubic crystaline arrangement to look and feel like diamonds. However they are optically, chemically and mechanically different from diamonds. Cubic zirconia has a higher dispersion than diamonds, and tends to look like diamonds in a brief look. 

Is cubic zirconia synthetic diamonds?

No, as we just mentioned, cubic zirconia and synthetic diamonds are two very different substances. The only point of similarity between the two is that they are both lab created. Lab created diamonds are synthetic diamonds.

While synthetic diamonds are really diamonds with the same chemical structure and optical properties to that of real diamonds, the only point of difference between the two is that synthetic are lab created. 

Cubic zirconia on the other hand bears no similarity to real diamonds or synthetic diamonds, except perhaps the cut and looks at a high level. It lacks the fire and brilliance of a diamond.

Additionally, the cost of a synthetic diamond can be anywhere between 50-70% of that of a real diamond. As we discussed, cost of a cubic zirconia stone would be only about 2% of a real diamond. Therefore, the difference in the cost of a synthetic diamond and cubic zirconia is still very high.

Lets look at the difference between cubic zirconia and diamonds from various compositional and physical aspects.

Image by Grown Diamond from Pixabay

How can you tell the difference between a diamond and a cubic zirconia?

Although cubic zirconia is crafted in the lab so as to be indistinguishable from a real diamond, careful observation and some very sophisticated methods can help you easy distinguish the two. These include careful examination by weighing the stone, looking at the physical attributes, optical properties etc.

Lets look at each of these methods in more detail.

  • Examining physical flaws: In cubic zirconia, you will be able to see slightly curved edges. Whereas, diamond normally has sharp edges. Also, cubic zirconia may appear more clear and white in comparison to a diamond.
  • Examining the weight of the stone: Weight of cubic zirconia is about 1.7 times that of a same-sized diamond. Therefore, if you have 2 same sized stones, cubic zirconia will be heavier than diamond.
  • Looking at how light falls or refracts from the surfaceYet another way the premise of which lies in the difference in Refractive Index of diamond and Cubic Zirconia, is by observing the way the light gets refracted in the two stones. While the higher Refractive Index means more amount of refraction for any light ray, it will exhibit a full rainbow of colors on the viewing end in case of diamond. For a cubic zirconia on the other hand,. The lower amount of refraction means you only see yellow or orange hues.

There are a few tests that you can conduct on your stones to check if they are diamonds or cubic zirconia.


This is a quick and dirty way to know if it is diamond or cubic zirconia that you are looking at. The test functions on the principle that diamonds have a much higher conductivity of heat in them, and this can be used to distinguish them from cubic zirconia.

The test can be carried out simply by breathing on the stone directly. The breath will spread the heat from your body exhaled over the stone and this is when the difference in heat transmission properties between the two stones will start to show results. While diamond has a very high heat transmission and hence does not retain any heat, making it go clear almost immediately. Cubic zirconia however does not transmit heat immediately, and tends to stay foggy for sometime, before all the heat from your breath is transmitted completely.


It is fairly easy to differentiate between Cubic Zirconia and diamond as their hardness varies. While the hardness of diamond is 10 (higher) on the moh’s scale, the hardness of cubic zirconia ranges between 7-8.

So if you rub a piece of diamond against a piece of cubic zirconia, the piece of cubic zirconia will get scratched. The piece of diamond will remain unaffected


If you move a piece of diamond over written text, the piece will refract light in a manner that it would be difficult to understand the pattern. The content may appear a bit cloudy. However, with cubic zirconia, light will refract fairly differently, mostly in regular patterns.

The refractive index of diamond is higher than cubic zirconia. While diamond has a refractive index of 2.417-2.419, the refractive index of Cubic zirconia can be anywhere between 2.15-2.18. This means, light travels faster when it enters diamond in comparison to cubic zirconia.


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Now we know the kind of value cubic zirconia holds, and how can we differentiate between a piece of cubic zirconia and diamond. Let us also see if we should buy a Cubic Zirconia jewelry or not.

Is cubic zirconia hard enough for everyday wear?

Depends, while it is not as hard as diamond, it is still durable. Where diamond has a rating of 10 on moh’s scale, cubic zirconia is 8. Which means, it is harder than a lot of gemstones. If you are looking for something that you can wear for a year or even a bit loner, cubic zirconia may be a good choice. 

Cubic zirconia does get scratched by a lot of things so wearing it everyday, round the clock can make it develop a lot of scratches. Additionally, it may become cloudy by coming in contact with everyday cosmetics. Things like perfumes, body lotions and oils can make it lose it’s luster. However, if you wear it with caution and keep it safe against exposure to chemicals and beauty products, it may last many years.

How long does cubic zirconia jewelry last?

If you wear it occasionally and take good care of it, it can last for about 7-8 years. However, as we just discussed, it cannot withstand rough handling and everyday exposure to chemicals or cosmetics. With everyday use, it normally becomes cloudy after about 2-3 years of use. It may also develop scratches very easily if not taken care of.

This brings us to the next topic, which is, how we should take care of our cubic zirconia jewelry.


Does zirconia turn black​
Image by Miloslav Hamřík from Pixabay

Now we know the kind of value cubic zirconia holds, and how can we differentiate between a piece of cubic zirconia and diamond. Let us also see if we should buy a Cubic Zirconia jewelry or not.

Can you make cubic zirconia shiny again?

Yes, the shine of cubic zirconia can be restored in most cases. It can be done by either cleaning it yourself at home, or getting it cleaned by a professional. In order to clean it at home, you can follow the below approach.

  1. Use warm water, enough to submerge your piece of jewelry and a mild liquid soap
  2. Mix the soap in water to produce lather
  3. Dip your jewelry in it for about 5-10 minutes. This will allow the dirt and oils to soften. It would make it easy to remove them without scratching the stone.
  4. Use a soft bristled brush to gently clean your jewelry
  5. Rinse with cod water
  6. Let it air dry

Can you clean cubic zirconia with toothpaste?

Yes. While the stone can be cleaned using toothpaste, it may be harmful for the metals in the jewelry. Toothpaste can scratch metals like gold, silver, copper and bronze. Therefore, while your stone may appear shinier, there is a risk of jewelry getting scratches. Therefore, it must be avoided and only mild liquid soaps should be used for the job.

How to take care of cubic zirconia jewelry?

In order to keep Cubic zirconia clean and shiny, proper care is needed. Keeping the below in mind can help:

  1. Prevent it from scratches: Do not perform strenuous exercises or any other activity the involves sudden movements when wearing cubic zirconia jewelry. Avoid playing any sports or wearing your jewelry to the gym in order to prevent it from scratches. Be very careful of how you move and what objects your jewelry comes in contact with.
  2. No harsh chemicals: Exposure to chemicals may cloud cubic zirconia stone. Avoid using cleaning solutions, dish washing liquids or even everyday grooming and skincare products.
  3. Saltwater is an enemy: Saltwater is an enemy of most types of jewelry and stones and cubic zirconia is no exception. Do not wear your jewelry to the beach, or for scuba diving or deep sea diving.
  4. Have a cleaning routine: In order to keep the jewelry shining like new, follow a regular cleaning routine. Depending upon how much you are wearing it, you can clean it every 2-3 weeks or once every month.
  5. Keep it safe in storage: Keep your jewelry separate from other jewelry. Do not keep it in the same compartment or box as other jewelry. This is because these pieces may scratch each other when in storage. Pieces must be wrapped in a soft muslin or velvet cloth and then in a pouch. Alternatively, lined jewelry boxes can also be used.


Cubic zirconia is a great alternative to the expensive diamond jewelry. The stone is great for those looking for budget jewelry options. It does lose it’s clarity and sparkle over time as it tends to absorb oils from skin and gets scratched easily. By being cautious while wearing it and by taking care of it, you can make it last a long time. It is certainly a great stone for the price you pay for it.


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